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Safe For Humans is a consumer resource for news and information about toxins in our everday products, food, and building materials.

Products made for humans should be safe for humans.

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Entries in Eggs (2)


Protests over German Dioxin scandal

Source: flickr/Ivy Dawned

Thousands of German protesters marched in Berlin on Saturday to demand a change in farming methods and vent their anger at a food scandal in which cancer-causing dioxin was found in some eggs, poultry and pork...

...On Friday, German authorities investigating the food scandal said they had traced the source of the dioxin to used chip fat which had undergone industrial processing.

Read the full article by Annika Breidthardt at Reuters.com


Dioxin found in German eggs traced to animal feed.

The discovery of dioxin in eggs has led to calls for higher food safety standards, but also begs the question, how the dioxin got in to the animal feed in the first place?

...The scandal first broke on Dec. 23, when random testing exposed high levels of dioxin in animal feed in western Germany. Authorities then carried out thousands of tests on eggs, and found that those from several farms contained excessive levels of the toxic chemical. Dioxins, which are formed by burning waste and other industrial processes, have been shown to lead to higher cancer rates and to affect pregnant women...