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Safe For Humans is a consumer resource for news and information about toxins in our everday products, food, and building materials.

Products made for humans should be safe for humans.

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Entries in Science (2)


Replacement for BPA is also found to have negative health effects

An animal study finds for the first time that another widely used phthalate affects development when exposure occurs in the womb and early life. It is also the first to show the chemical can affect brain development, too. DINP – a phthalate that is increasingly used in plastic products – caused similar changes in the male reproductive system as other types of recently banned – but more potent – phthalates.

Synopsis by Emily Barrett and Wendy Hessler from Environmental Health News

Original article in the science journal Reproductive Toxicology


New sugar-based surfactants show promise for household cleaners

A new family of surfactants based on simple sugars and natural oils hold promise to clean without a long list of environmental side effects, according to Yale University chemists who developed the new chemicals.

Summary from Environmental Health Network

Original research from the science journal Green Chemistry