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Safe For Humans is a consumer resource for news and information about toxins in our everday products, food, and building materials.

Products made for humans should be safe for humans.

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Entries in Cell Phones (1)


Cell phones and radiation

...Cell phones emit non- ionizing radiation similar to microwaves. Ionizing radiation, found in X-rays and gamma rays, is known to increase cancer risk, but it's not clear whether non-ionizing radiation has a similar effect."The fact is that cell phones are two-way microwave radios and most people do not know that," said Devra Davis, author of "Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family." "If they really understood it, though, I think fewer people would walk around with phones plastered to their heads."...

Read the full atticle by Shari Rudavsky at Indystar.com

Read the Environmental Working Group's report on cell phone safety

Look up your cell phone with EWG's radiation guide